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  • allsaintsbpuram@gmail.com

Admisssion And Withdrawals

Admisssion And Withdrawals

  1. Students are ordinarily admitted to Nursery. The minimum age for it is three (3) years

  2. Before a pupil can be admitted, Admission Form must be duly illed in and signed by the parent or guardian.

  3. It is mandatory to seek fresh admission to Std. I even after completing UKG from the same school.

  4. Admission to higher class will be granted only on producing Transfer Certiicate from the former school previously attended.

  5. Students will be admitted to particular classes only upon on verifying the aptitude for the mentioned class.

  6. Students qualifying the entrance test will only be eligible for admission to the higher classes. The Prerogative of admitting the ward entirely reserved with the School Authorities.

  7. Parents/Guardians should take great care to furnish the correct DATE OF BIRTH and other details of the child as it will remain irrevocable later.

  8. If student is to be withdrawn due to change of residence or domicile, the T. C. will be issued on one month’s notice in writing by the parent or on payment of one month’s Tuition Fee in lieu of notice. In addition Rs. 100.00 will be charged as T. C. Fee.

  9. No certiicate will be issued without clearing the dues of the school.

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