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  • allsaintsbpuram@gmail.com

Examinations And Promotions

Examinations And Promotions

  1. Periodic Assessments: (Unit Test): May, July & November or December First Semester : September-October Second Semester : February- March The Final Examination is meant to assess the result of the whole year’s work and is not a promotion examination.

  2. Students remaining absent from examinations will not be examined later and those absent from an examination without gave any reasons will be considered as having failed. In case of illness, a doctor’s certiicate should be produced.

  3. Absence in one or more subjects prohibits the student from being considered in the order of merit or rank in the examination.

  4. Special arrangements cannot be made for students, who for any reason whatsoever, are absent from the conduct of examinations or any part of them.

  5. Wilful break of any of the regulations for the conduct of examinations is punishable with expulsion from the examination.

  6. Promotions are granted on the basis of the Continuous Evaluation of the student; hence it is necessary to maintain regularity in attendance and work.

  7. 80% attendance, including the attendance in the school attended earlier, is necessary for the promotion of a student.

  8. A student who fails twice in the same class will not be permitted to continue his/her studies in the school.

  9. Results declared at the end of the year are inal in all cases and will not be reconsidered, nor will the answer papers be shown.

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