• 01376236644
  • allsaintsbpuram@gmail.com

School Dress Code

School Dress Code

  1. The student’s dress and grooming should relect high standards of personal conduct. His/her attire should promote a safe and a positive atmosphere within the school. For this the students and their parents/ guardians have the responsibility to be aware of the school’s speciic dress code and conform to those requirements

  2. The following will be considered inappropriate in the school campus :

    1. ccessories such as gold/silver chains, rings, ear rings and any other form of jewellery/fashion.

    2. Applying gel, streaking of colouring of hair, long nails, nail polish and tattoos.

  3. So as to be within bounds to decency and elegance, it is compulsory for students to wear vests and undergarments daily.

  4. Speciications related to hair :

    1. Boys must have close cropped hair. No beard or moustache permitted. No trendy haircut permitted.

    2. Girls who have their hair cut very short have to wear a white stretch band.

    3. In case hair length falls below the shoulder level it must be braided into two plaits.

  5. Parents will be intimated if the school administration feels that the dress code is violated by their ward or if the student's appearance creates indiscipline or, is a safety hazard.

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