• 01376236644
  • allsaintsbpuram@gmail.com

Rules of Disciplinea

Rules of Disciplinea

  1. The teaching of Moral Science remains obligatory for all students since the formation of a sound character is the outcome of value-based education.

  2. The school insists on strict discipline, punctuality, regular school attendance, cleanliness, general grooming, hard work and commitment to study.

  3. Every student should bring the school diary daily to the school. Remember your school motto, WISDOM TO SERVE; let this illumine your thoughts, words and deeds

  4. Students should attend the school regularly. They must reach the school at least ive minutes before school assembly

  5. The warning bell before class is a signal to congregate for the school assembly or to go to their respective classrooms in silence.

  6. Students should, at all times, show respect and love to the school authorities, the teaching and the nonteaching staff. They should be gentle and polite with their companions. They should remember that every child in this institution is a person in making. Outside the school campus, they are the ambassadors of their school and are expected to be in their best behaviour and attitude.

  7. A student, whose conduct is staking to the good name of the school or is incompatible with good discipline, will be liable to suspension.

  8. Reinement of manners, habit to obedience and order, neatness in person and punctuality are required from all students at all times.

  9. Care of the school property is everyday's responsibility. Absolutely no damage should be incurred to the school R D furniture or properties. Scribbling on walls is strictly prohibited. Damage done even accidently should be brought to the notice of the class teacher or the Principal at once. Any damage done will be made good by the one who is responsible for it

  10. Students are not allowed to bring mobile phones, any articles like video games, watches, cameras, IPods, any other electronic gadgets, blades and any sharp instruments to the school. If any such things are coniscated, there will be a huge ine along with strict action.

  11. The students must look after their own belongings. The school cannot be held responsible for the loss of money, books, clothes etc.

  12. If requested by the parent / guardian (for a leave), a student may leave the school only with the permission from the Principal.

  13. All Saints' is your school: love it and cherish it.

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