• 01376236644
  • allsaintsbpuram@gmail.com

Leave And Absence

Leave And Absence

  1. Students are obliged to obtain prior permission for leave. Every absence without leaves application or otherwise must be entered briely in the NonAttendance and Leave Record pages towards the end of this hand book and signed by the parent or guardian

  2. Repeated absence without leave or uninformed absence for more than ifteen consecutive days will cause the student’s name to be struck off from the roll; if granted, fresh admission has to be sought.

  3. Those who come late must show their Regularity Record (Given towards the end of this Hand Book) duly illed and signed by the Principal.

  4. All students are expected to attend class on the opening day after each of the vacations. Those absent without leave information will be ined at the rate of Rs. 20/- per day. Those absent due to illness must produce a medical certiicate before they are admitted to their respective classes.

  5. Absence for more than three days immediately after vacation renders the student liable to have his/ her name struck off the rolls.

  6. A student returning to School after suffering from an infections or contagious disease should produce a doctor’s certiicate permitting his/ her to attend school after the prescribed period of quarantine

  7. Frequent irregularity, unpunctuality or truancy will be seriously dealt with by the principal.

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